Let’s get personal
A journey of a thousand miles starts with…a post?
I don’t know about you, but I am absolutely tired of people trying to sell me something. Everywhere I look, there’s another ad, another picturesque post giving the illusion of a picturesque life. I crave something real. Something human. I want to connect with people in a way I am most familiar: with my words.
When I was little, I remember falling in love with reading and feeling empowered by stories. In this era of doom-scrolling never ending content I’ve found myself fall out of touch with the things I used to love. The fear mongering ate away at my soul. I was constantly stuck in this ‘what-if’ mentality. The anxiety was real. It was hard to pull back. Until…I went to Japan in September 2024. I was finally disconnected from most media outlets. Everything there was a fresh adventure. I was lost in the moment. Too busy to care about anything other than the amazing views and culture I was surrounded by. When I came back from that trip I made a promise to myself that in the new year I would try to continue that path. To continue to enjoy my time, and free myself little by little from the constant burden of the internet overlords and their insatiable algorithms. If I was going to have an online presence, I wanted it to be authentic and real. I wanted it to be me. I want you to know, that just like you, I am human. I can’t show this side of me in a 15-second Instagram reel or a caption that should absolutely have a TLDR section at the bottom. But I can here.
My diary entries will be about my travels, what it’s like to be an tattoo artist, who I am outside of that, tattoos that I am working on, my process (that will by no means be instructional, sorry!) lessons I’ve learned, and so much more.
This is the start of something that I hope becomes a quiet comfort for the both of us. You can come here, take a little pit stop into my life, and continue yours when it’s over.